GUG Project „School and Enterprise“ («SchuleUnternehmen»)

The project provides a new access for students with the intention to open up a new approach that focuses on the communication of historical facts of economic and corporate history.
Together with schools in the Rhine-Main Area around Frankfurt and partners from the business world, in 2015 GUG initiated a school project themed “School and Enterprise”. Understanding how economy works and how it impacts life is an important part of general education with applications in many areas of life. However, many schools do not teach economic topics in sufficient depth, so many students leave school lacking basic knowledge about economic processes. We have finished development of the first teaching modules of our school project and in 2018, the modules are scheduled to enter the testing phase in advanced classes at secondary schools.

The intention is to open up a new approach that focuses on the communication of historical facts of economic and corporate history.

The target group to be addressed is school classes from secondary schools. The material is particularly suitable for teaching in upper secondary schools.

Further information and materials on the modules can be found here:

Modul 1 - Konsum und Konsumgüterindustrie

In diesem Modul steht die Auseinandersetzung mit Unternehmen der Konsumgüterindustrie sowie mit den Themen Distribution und Werbung im Fokus. Behandelt werden vor allem Unternehmen, deren Marke das Interesse der Schülerschaft weckt.

Modul 2 - Banken

In einer sich wandelnden Zeit mit neuen technologischen Entwicklungen und außerordentlichen weltwirtschaftlichen Verflechtungen stellt sich immer häufiger die Frage nach der Funktion und auch der Legitimität von Banken. Sie stehen im Fokus des zweiten Moduls.