Public Conferences

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Once a year, GUG e. V. organizes a public conference. Renowned scholars, politicians, and entrepreneurs are invited to discuss current topics and their historical context. Every year, a different enterprise hosts the conference. Our last host in 2021 was the Knorr-Bremse AG in Munich.

Next event: Public conference 2025: «De-globalization in the past and present»

The 48th GUG public lecture event on 20 March 2025 at the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Berlin will focus on the topic of “De-globalization in the past and present”.

Geopolitical tensions and economic uncertainty, triggered by the 2008 financial crisis, the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, have shaken global markets. The climate crisis and national movements are also currently fuelling calls for de-globalization. The positive expectations of globalization, which gained momentum after the Cold War, seem to have evaporated. However, there have always been developments in history that have driven globalization or de-globalization trends. The First World War put an abrupt end to the globalization of international trade in the 19th century. Events such as the Spanish flu, the Great Depression of 1929 and the Second World War also intensified disintegration.

Our conference takes a historical look at the topic of de-globalization. What impact have these trends had and still have on international interdependencies, direct investments and dependencies? How did companies deal with this in the past, and what lessons can be learned for the present? Which sectors were or are particularly affected? And what does de-globalization mean for Germany as an export-oriented business location? The speakers JAN-OTMAR HESSE and MORITZ SCHULARICK will first address these questions and then discuss them in depth in a panel discussion with RAINER KURTZ, Chairman of the Advisory Board of Kurtz Ersa, chaired by HELENE BUBROWSKI, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Table.Media.

Last event: Public conference 2023: «Companies and universities - success through cooperation?»

At the 47th GUG public lecture event on March 14, 2024 at Merck KGaA in Darmstadt, the focus was on “Diversity management in companies”.

Diversity management is now considered a key strategic element in modern corporate human resources management. The concept of diversity management has its origins in the civil and women's rights movement in the USA in the 1960s. In European companies, diversity management has become important in recent decades, particularly in the wake of greater internationalization and legal requirements such as the European Union's anti-discrimination directives.

The conference took a historical look at how companies have dealt with diversity throughout their history. Not only gender issues, but also other diversity dimensions played a role. What insights from corporate history can be useful for today's debate and the understanding, significance and implementation of diversity management? The speakers ALFRED RECKENDREES, SABINE BERNSCHNEIDER-REIF, DIETER ZIEGLER and ANDREA HOHMEYER explored these and other questions using various case studies. The speakers then joined NEELE SIEMER, Head of Diversity Equity and Inclusion Germany & Enabling Functions at Merck KGaA, in a panel discussion chaired by SABINE FALKE, Chairwoman of GUG e.V.

You can find the programme and a detailed report in the download area below.


Past conferences and download area - All events since 1976


Programme and conference report

47th public conference
14 March 2024 in Darmstadt
«Diversity Management in Companies»


Programme and conference report

46th public conference
16 March 2023 in Munich
«The significance of the stability of prices and curency for companies»


Programme and conference report

45th public conference
24 March 2022 in Frankfurt a.M.
«Die Bedeutung von Preis- und Währungsstabilität
für Unternehmen»
Programm 2022

Bericht 2022

Recording of the event


Programme and conference report

44th public conference
22 October 2021, Stuttgart
«Fachkräftemangel und Migration»



Due to the pandemic, the conference had to be cancelled
43rd public conference
24 March 2020, Stuttgart
«Globale Unternehmensstrategien. Über den grenzüberschreitenden Umgang mit Menschenrechten»


Programme and conference report

42nd public conference
7 March 2019 in Walldorf:
«Unternehmen 4.0 – Hoffnung oder Horror?»


Programm und Tagungsbericht

41st public conference
15 March 2018 in Ditzingen:
«Charisma: risk factor or guarantee for success?» /«Charisma: Risikofaktor oder Erfolgsgarantie?»


Programme and conference report

40th public conference
16 March 2017 in Munich:
«Risk: Politics?» / «Risiko: Politik?»


Programme and conference report

Programme and conference report
39th public conference
17. March 2016 in Duisburg:
«Pax Britannica, Pax Americana, Pax Sinica? Structural changes of the world economy and the situation of enterprises» / «Pax Britannica, Pax Americana, Pax Sinica? Der Strukturwandel der Weltwirtschaft und die Lage der Unternehmen»


Conference report

38th public conference
19 March 2015 in Cologne:
The struggle for resources – the relevance of energy prices for German enterprises / Kampf um die Ressourcen – Relevanz der Energiepreise für deutsche Unternehmen


Conference report

37 th public conference and yearly meeting of the Business History Conference
13-15 March 2014 in Frankfurt a. M.:
The Vices and Virtues of Business - a historical perspective


Conference report

36th public conference
14 March 2013 in Leverkusen:
From corporate welfare policies to corporate citizenship /
Von der Betrieblichen Sozialpolitik zur Corporate Citizenship


Conference report

35th public conference
15 March 2012 in Munich:
20 years after Maastricht: the European crisis and the world economy’s strucural change / 20 Jahre nach Maastricht: die europäische Krise
und der Strukturwandel der Weltwirtschaft


Conference report

34th public conference
16 March 2011 in Stuttgart:
Europeanization of co-determination / Europäisierung der Mitbestimmung



33rd public conference
11 March 2010 in Munich:
Economic crises – the finest hour of entrepreneurs? / Wirtschaftskrisen – Stunden des Unternehmers?



32nd public conference
12 March 2009 in Berlin:
The fall of the Berlin Wall and German enterprises: 1989 - cesura or continuity? / Der Mauerfall und die deutschen Unternehmen. 1989 - Zäsur oder Kontinuität?



31st public conference
13 March 2008 in Wolfsburg:
The future of mobility. Cars and energy consumption as a technological and eco-logical problem / Zukunft der Mobilität. Auto und Energienutzung als technisch-ökonomisches Problem



30th public conference
8 March 2007 in Essen:
Enterprises in China / Unternehmen in China


Programm und Tagungsbericht

29 th public conference
23 March 2006 in Wiesbaden:
Women in economic leadership positions



28 th public conference
7 March 2005 in Berlin:
The entrepreneur’s responsibility / Die Verantwortung des Unternehmers



27th public conference
27 April 2004 in Freyburg an der Unstrut:
Self-employment: between model for success and phenomenon of crisis / Selbständigkeit zwischen Erfolgsmodell und Krisenphänomen



26th public conference
5 Myi 2003 in Berlin:
1968 and the German Enterprises / 1968 und die deutschen Unternehmen



25th public conference
29 April 2002 in Berlin:
Corporate cultures – Germany and the USA in comparison / Unternehmenskulturen - Deutschland und USA im Vergleich



24th public conference
5 April 2001 in Frankfurt am Main:


23rd public conference
6 April 2000 in Berlin:
German entrepreneurs in the world. From Internationalisation to Globalization / Deutsche Unternehmer in der Welt. Von der Internationalisierung zur Globalisierung


22nd public conference
21 April 1999 in Cologne:
Succession of entrepreneurs – a never-ending story / Unternehmernachfolge - eine unendliche Geschichte


21st public conference
23 April 1998 in Frankfurt am Main:
The readiness of banks to take risks with new company foundations / Risikobereit-schaft der Banken bei Unternehmensneugründungen


Commemorative lecture
17 November 1997 in Cologne:
Prof. Gerald D. Feldman: politics and enterprises during the Weimar Republic / Politik und Unternehmen in der Weimarer Republik


21st public conference
29 February 1996 in Frankfurt am Main:
Privatization - Municipalization / Privatisierung – Kommunalisierung


20th public conference
13 February 1995 in Cologne:
The road and its changes through the centuries – social significance and techno-logical innovation / Die Straße im Wandel der Jahrhunderte - gesellschaftliche Be-deutung und technische Innovation


19th public conference
30 May 1994 in Waiblingen:
Selection of locations and location politics of German enterprises / Standortwahl und -politik deutscher Unternehmen


18th public conference:
Corporate culture and history / Unternehmenskultur und Geschichte


17th public conference
26 May 1992 in Frankfurt am Main:
Entreprenerus and political responsibility / Unternehmer und politische Verantwortung


16th public conference
15 May 1991 in Mannheim:
Industry and the environment / Industrie und Umwelt


15th public conference:
Family enterprises in economy and society from the 19th century to the present / Familienunternehmen in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft vom 19. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart


14th public conference:
Businessmen’s associations – partners of politics or pressure groups? / Wirtschaftsverbände - Partner der Politik oder Pressure Groups?


13th public conference:
Structural developments in German economic regions / Strukturentwicklung in deutschen Wirtschaftsregionen


12th public conference
22 May 1987 in Bonn:
Public enterprises. Yesterday – today – tomorrow / Gemeinwirtschaftliche Un-ternehmen. Gestern - Heute - Morgen


11th public conference
10 June 1986 in Munich:
Mittelstand and labour market. Are medium-sized companies the solution to the employment problems of the German economy? / Mittelstand und Arbeitsmarkt. Löst der Mittelstand die Beschäftigungsprobleme der deutschen Wirtschaft?


10th public conference
26 June 1985 in Frankfurt am Main:
The origins and development of Social Market Economy


9th public conference
18 May 1984 in Düsseldorf:
Protectionism. Progress or regress?

Academic conference of the GUG and the Association for scholarly research on entrepreneurs’ biography and business history
11 October 1984 in Vienna:
Enterprises and the state after the Second Wolrd War. A German-Austrian comparison.


8th public conference
25 May 1983 in Cologne:
Integration of foreign employees


7th public conference
25 June 1982 in Munich:
Legitimation of management and ist change. On the discussion about function and tasks of business leaders during the last 150 years


6th public conference
13 May 1981 in Fürth:
Sales strategies of German enterprises. Yesterday – today - tomorrow


5th public conference
7 Mai 1980 in Düsseldorf:
Co-determination. Origins and development


4th public conference/German-Japanese Symposion at the Siemens Training Centre in Berlin,
20-23 March 1979:
Innovation, Know How, Rationalization and Investment in German and Japanese Economics 1868/1871 - 1930/1980


3rd public conference
31 May 1978 in Frankfurt am Main:
Foundations and enterprises. Experiences and future perspectives


2nd public conference
28 June 1977 in Cologne:
Concentration in the German economy since the 19th century


First public conference:
The entrepreneur in past and present / Der Unternehmer in Geschichte und Gegenwart