Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte

© Historisches Institut der Deutschen Bank


The Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte is published twice per year. Articles examine business history topics in all its facets. The editors value links with neighbouring disciplines, international perspectives, and a comprehensive definition of the enterprise.

Book series

The book series is edited by the GUG. Monographs that were awarded the prize for business history are published in it as well as independent critical business history studies and, occasionally, conference proceedings and editions of letters.

Register of all articles published in the ZUG

Below, you can find all articles published in the ZUG and (until 1976) its predecessor, „Tradition“. You can search for specific topics with our search engine.

Prize for Business History

The GUG awards its Prize for Business History every year since 1998. The prize is awarded for exceptional dissertations, habilitation theses, and other monographs on business history.