Working Groups

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Banking and Insurance History

The working group was formed from the formerly separate study groups on banking history and insurance history. It meets once a year to discuss specific topics from its field of study.

Familiy Enterprises

The constitutive meeting of the working group took place on 21 October 2005 under the name of Working Group for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. It was renamed into Working Group for family enterprises in November 2016.

Marketing History

The first meeting of the working group for marketing history took place in February 2007. It offers a platform for scientists of various disciplins of marketing research interested in the historical aspects of the topic.

Global Economy and Multinational Enterprises

The working group was constituted on 9 October 2024. Research on specific topics from the field of the working group is discussed.

Working Groups on Hiatus

History of media enterprises - East German enterprises in the process of transformation - History of transport - Enterprises during National Socialism. The working groups can be reactivated if the need arises.