Working group banking and insurance history

© Sparkassenhistorisches Dokumentationszentrum
The study group was formed from the formerly separate study groups on banking history and insurance history. It meets once a year to discuss specific topics from its field of study. Its first meeting took place on 21 October 2005.
Members: 114 (as of 2022)

PD Dr. Friederike Sattler, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Vorsitzende
Dr. Martin L. Müller, Historical Institute of Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main
Becoming a member:

If you are interested in participating in the banking and insurance history study group, please contact our office

Next event: 22st session of the Working Group on Banking and Insurance History

Information on the upcoming working group meeting will be provided shortly.

Review: 21th session of the Working Group on Banking and Insurance History

In view of the increasing importance of ESG criteria, climate risks and regulatory requirements for sustainability in the finance and insurance sector, the 21st meeting of the working group was dedicated to the historical dimension of this highly topical issue. Commerzbank AG hosted the meeting on November 15, 2024.
After a welcome address by MATTHIAS KEMMERER (Commerzbank AG), BETTINA STORCK, Head of Group Sustainability Management at Commerzbank, explained how sustainability is anchored at all organizational levels of Commerzbank today and how ESG criteria shape the business strategy. PETER KRAMPER then analyzed the history of residential construction financing from a sustainability perspective. He showed that economic, social and ecological sustainability strategies were almost exclusively brought to bear through state intervention. MATTHIAS RÖMER presented a long-term study on the stability of the insurance industry since 1870, which he conducted with SEBASTIAN KOHL and KASPAR ZIMMERMANN. The study explains the higher resistance to crises compared to banks through precautionary saving, decoupling from the credit market and contractual savings. SÖNKE HEBING examined Munich Re's georisk research and its early engagement with climate change as a business opportunity. JACOPO CELLINI showed how European banks have initially understood environmental protection as part of their social responsibility since the 1970s, before integrating the concept of sustainable development into their business strategies in the 1990s, also to serve various economic and strategic interests.
The presentations and discussions made it clear that sustainability aspects have a longer tradition in the financial sector than is often assumed. Their role has changed from pure risk factors to strategic business areas.

Programm 2024
can be found here. A detailed conference report will follow shortly.


Review and Downloadarea


21st meeting of the study group for banking and insurance history
15 November 2024
Host: Commerzbank AG
«Sustainable financing and insurance. Concepts and practices since the 18th century»


20th meeting of the study group for banking and insurance history
1 December 2023
Host: Ergo Group
«Business risks - researching, managing and controlling them?»


19th meeting of the study group for banking and insurance history
18 November 2022
Host: Commerzbank AG
«German banks and the second globalisation»


18th meeting of the study group for banking and insurance history combined with 17th meeting of the study group for family enterprises
19 November 2021
Host: ODDO BHF Bank
«Banken und Familienunternehmen»


17th meeting of the study group for banking and insurance history
8 November 2019
Host: KPMG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
«Karrieren in der Finanzwelt»


16th meeting of the study group for banking and insurance history
26 October 2018
Host: Fürtsliche Castell'sche Bank
«Bank und Familie»


15th meeting of the study group banking and insurance history
3 November 2017
Host: KfW, Frankfurt am Main
«Die duetschen Banken und die Rückkehr der deutschen Industrie in den Weltmarkt (1953-1973)»


14th meeting of the study group banking and insurance history
24 and 25 November 2016
In cooperation with European Association for banking History
Frankfurt am Main
«The rise (and decline) of retail banking? 1960 to 2020s»


13th meeting of the study group (unscheduled)
26 February 2016
Host: Munic Re, München
«Naturgewalten und das Risikomanagement im Versicherungsgeschäft»


12th meeting of the study group banking and insurance history
26 September 2014
In coperation with BNP Paribas
«Die Internationalisierung von Finanzdienstleistungen»


Workshop of the study group banking and insurance history
19/20 September 2013
In cooperation with the Finanzgruppe Wissenschaftsförderung
«Marketingstrategien der Finanzwirtschaft seit dem 20. Jahrhundert»


11th meeting of the study group banking and insurance history
5 October 2012
«Bankiers im Netzwerk der Bank-Industriebeziehungen»


10th meeting of the study group banking and insurance history
9 September 2011


9th meeting of the study group banking and insurance history
10 September 2010
«Versicherungen und Umweltrisiken»


8th meeting of the study group banking and insurance history
25 September 2009
«Retail Banking»


7th meeting of the study group banking and insurance history
5 September 2008
«Banken in Krisenzeiten: Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze»
6th meeting of the study group banking and insurance history
25 May 2008
«Liberalisierung der Bankenwelt nach 1957»


5th meeting of the study group banking and insurance history
22 June 2007


4th meeting of the study group banking and insurance history
15 December 2006
«Kreditgeschäfte der Banken»
3rd meeting of the study group banking and insurance history
9 June 2006
«Geschichte der Fondsgesellschaften»


2nd meeting of the study group banking and insurance history
25 November 2005
«Banken und Versicherungen im Globalisierungsprozess des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts»


Joint meeting of the study group banking history and the study group insurance history
28 November 2003
9th meeting of the study group banking history
4th April 2003


8th meeting of the study group banking history
Symposium«Unternehmen und Alterssicherung»


7th meeting of the study group banking history
8 and 9 November 2001
«Gesundheit und Versicherung»
6th meeting of the study group banking history
7 and 8 June 2001


5th meeting of the study group banking history
6 October 2000
«Internationalisierung der Versicherungswirtschaft»
4th meeting of the study group banking history
3rd May 200


3rd meeting of the study group banking history
24 June 1999
2nd meeting of the study group banking history
5 February 1999
1st constitutive meeting of the study group banking and insurance history
17 June 2005
«Zeiten der Umstellung nach den beiden Weltkriegen: Probleme des Übergangs im Bank- und Versicherungsgewerbe»