Symposium GUG-WIFU

© Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG
“History doesn’t repeat itself. But it often rhymes."
(attributed to Mark Twain)

Business history symposium

In 2017, the joint symposium with the WIFU - Stiftung was held for the first time. The symposium is mainly directed at members of family enterprises and entrepreneur families, but also invites scholars who research family enterprises. The symposium is a joint event of the Witten Institute for Family Business (WIFU) and the GUG.
„If you want to know something, ask someone with experience, and not a scholar”, a Chinese proverb says. This event provides not only lectures on various topics, but also a professionally managed platform that gives participants the opportunity for mutual, confidential exchange. So, participants can gain insights into other family enterprises’ problems and the strategies for their solution.

The fifth Symposium took place 5. November 2021 at Henkel AG & Co. KGaA. in Düsseldorf and as an online event and addressed the topic «Purpose. Social Impact & Co. - really a new kind of social commitment?»

Review (GUG-WIFU)


5. Symposium Unternehmensgeschichte
«Purpose. Social Impact & Co. - wirklich ein neues gesellschaftliches Engagement?»
Ort: Henkel AG & Co. KGaA & online


4. Symposium Unternehmensgeschichte
«Die Resilienz von Familienunternehmen. Generationsübergreifende Erfolgsmuster im Umgang mit Krisen»


3. Symposium Unternehmensgeschichte
«Der persönlich haftende Gesellschafter: ein Erfolgsfaktor für langlebige Familienunternehmen?»
Ort: Vorwerk & Co. KG


2. Symposium Unternehmensgeschichte
«Familienunternehmen und ihre Frauen»
Ort: Haus Metzler, Frankfurt


1. Symposium Unternehmensgeschichte
«Langlebiges Familienunternehmen trotz Konfliktes in der Unternehmerfamilie?!»
Ort: Messer Group GmbH, Bad Soden